Other than the school application, I've also submitted a scholarship application to the local Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office (TECO). I'll be receiving the news sometime this mid-July if I get the 6 month scholarship grant or not. Wish me luck!
As a back-up plan, I've been saving for a year now and should have enough money to cover me (for tuition and basic living expenses) if the scholarship grant doesn't push through. A scholarship would be a welcome relief though. *Pray*

So, why Taiwan and not China? Well, why not? Aside from the fact that I love those Taiwan dramas and pop idols (Think Jay Chou!), Taiwan is also a very familiar yet unfamiliar place for me.
I'm a third generation Filipino-Chinese (100% Chinese blood) and my parents sent me to a school that uses Taiwan textbooks for teaching Chinese/Mandarin. We also use Fookien/Amoy language (which is very similar to the Taiwanese language), albeit sparingly, at home since my grandparents from all sides came from the Fujian Province. (Fujian is partly under Taiwan and partly under China.)
Don't be misled, now. Even if I've been exposed to the Chinese culture all my life, I still think that I don't know enough about my heritage. I didn't really study my Chinese during my elementary and secondary years. I passed my grades by memorizing the texts and pronunciations and then forgetting them after the exams. I also don't speak much Fookien and only know the very basic stuff.
So before I get any older, I want to have this chance to study my heritage and also learn the lessons of being independent along the way. I've filed my 6 month leave in my work, (Thank God for awesome employers!) and I'm ready for my adventure! 加油!!
PS. Hopefully, I'll use more Chinese in my blog as I progress in my studies.
PPS. I'm still in the Philippines and will probably be in Taiwan late August.