So TECO finally called; and if my blog subject isn't clear enough, I got my scholarship grant! Yes!! *woot woot woot*

Ms. Happy (perfect name for what I am feeling right now), the TECO lady who broke the good news to me, told me I was wait-listed; and this was the reason why I just found out about the scholarship result today and not June as I had initially anticipated. I almost didn't make it, and I got weak-kneed when I realized this near jac-is-a-female-bedspacer-in-taiwan experience.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you TECO! I swear I'm gonna make you proud, or, at the very least, won't embarrass you too much.
Aaahh!! *happy happy joy joy cartwheels*
You know that feeling you get, when you know something is going to happen but it hasn't happened yet?
It's July 16, the middle of July. Unlike what TECO said, The scholarship result is not released yet.
The funny thing was that TECO actually called me while I was writing this and asked a couple of questions linked to my application. I initially thought that they were already going to inform me that I got the scholarship (or not)! Apparently, they are doing deliberation today and just need to make sure that I still want to go to Taiwan to study. (Of course, I still want to study!)
So, another week to go (or so they say) before I finally know if I will become a Taiwan scholar or a starving homeless Taiwan student. I'm so excited I probably won't be able to sleep properly until the scholarship results finally come out.
Wish me luck!! *fingers crossed*