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Saturday, August 20, 2011

Reviving My To-do List

While trying to clean-up my cyber footprint, I chanced upon a very old blog post I did last December 2007. That's almost four years ago! Wow! Anyway, its a list of the things that I want to do in life - not necessarily things I want to do before I die or before a certain deadline; just things (big or small) that I want to accomplish period.

This is not a bucket list. Maybe a bit like it. Okay, it's a bucket list. Image grabbed from here.

Here's the old list I made from before (and my current comments/reactions):
  1. Pass the first-level actuary certification exam (exam P) - Yeah, this hasn't happened yet and I actually forgot about this. I'm 50-50 about wanting to pursue this and wanting to give this up.
  2. Finish a non-stop 10km race -  Went as far as 5k and then I stopped or gave up, not sure which. Ha! Anyway, I want to keep this is my list! :-)
  3. Climb the Great Wall of China - Hasn't happened yet! But this continues to be one of my aspirations!
  4. Play a solo double bass piece on stage in front of many people - Hasn't happened yet, as well. Thinking about it now, I don't think I'll be able to pull this through anyway. I'm thinking of scraping this out of my list and add "learn to play the electric bass" instead.
  5. Get a cartoon published - I currently have a six-month old comic blog that I'm still actively maintaining. Hopefully it will lead to this dream's reality. This to-do item actually made me very happy, seems like I unconsciously still know and maintain my dreams from years back! :-)
  6. Get paid to lomo - SUCCESS! Finally one item that I can tick off my list! haha! I'm currently part of RedSheep Photography's film/analog/lomo leg, and I'm happy to say that I'm getting paid to lomo! Woohoo!
  7. Drink Alamid Coffee - Another Success! It's a small task anyway, so it will eventually happen. I remember that I asked an office friend (thanks Cip!) to buy a small jar of coffee for me when he went to Baguio. So yes, another item I can tick off my list.

From this 7-item list, I've already successfully completed 2 and scraped off 1.5 (still thinking about item #1).  This leaves me with 98 things to do! And off the top of my head, here are some things that I want to add to my revived list!
  1. Travel to Korea
  2. Travel to Japan
  3. Travel to London
  4. Go back one more time to New York and watch Broadway and eat again at Grimaldi's
  5. Have at least a kid *awww*
  6. Sell 100 items in my etsy store!

    an anglerfish plushie that I designed and made! :-)

  7. Open an online clothing shop (at least in etsy) that sells clothes that I design and make.
  8. Earn money from a side job that involves paper. Paper animal crafts, invitation, etc.
  9. Learn how to make a decent pancake from scratch - my current from-scratch pancakes suck big time!
  10. Lose 15 lbs off my current weight and maintain it for at least a year. This is a tough one!
That's it! I don't want to overwhelm myself from all my aspirations/goals. Will keep you posted. And by "you" I mean myself (because I'm the only one who reads this blog). *ends blog with self pity*

Ha! :D

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