The next day Monday, I brought Jen to Gongguan area again and we also met up with Heidi. Jen bought shoes and running clothes. :-D
Come Tuesday, we went running around the oval. I think I ran 5 rounds and walked a round. :D
Wednesday, I ate xiaolongbao with my classmates for lunch (YUM!!!); and we also went to Chinese singing class where we learned a song each from WangLeeHom and Mayday. We ran around the Shida oval again, then went for some roast duck and asado and lechon. It's so cheap at $85! We also ate some mango, strawberry, kiwi thingy at Ice Monster. :-D
Thursday is cheap day. We ate at the Biandang store for lunch and ate at the Shida dorm canteen for dinner. This was also the day where I lost TWICE (!!) in chess against Jamie.
You see, Jamie pronounces "pawn" in this posh British accent as "pawrn"; we asked him what "porn" sounds liked and he also said "pawrn". The chess bet was that whoever wins in chess will concede to the winner's pronunciation of "pawn". I'm now stuck with pronouncing "pawn" as "pawrn". What's annoying about this blinking rubbish of a guy is that he finds reasons for me to say "pawn".
So he'll be like, "Hey Jac, can you tell Wayne what that small piece in chess in called?"
And I'll say, "Pawrn!"
Oh, joy!
Thursday (or yesterday) was also the day they discovered that we can hang out at our place. My place is the closest to school and is the largest among the three places (Michelle's and Jamie's) near Shida. We spent the whole night playing cards and laughing at sneezing pandas.
Friday (today!) is international students party day! We dressed up in hawaiian or beach clothes (Thanks for lending me your beach dress jen!) and ate filling pica-pica for free. We went back to my place to play some cards. Heidi, Jen, and I forgot how to play 1-2-3-Pass and we wanted to play it because we remembered it to be so much fun. Anyway, I found out how to play it now (thanks Google!) so we can start playing it soon! :-D
I need to sleep soon. Jen, Heidi, and I will be meeting up tomorrow for a TOP mock exam. TOP is the mandarin proficiency exam being used in Taiwan, and we'll need to take the real one as part of the scholarship requirements. :-)
I'm super enjoying my stay here in Taiwan! *Thankful mood*
Hehehe, I am thankful also that you are enjoying your stay in Taiwan.